Tuesday 31 March 2015

Birthday Reflections - Hiding in Him

So I turned 23 last Wednesday!!

God is good, I am so grateful for another year to honour Him!

I have learnt a number of lessons in the last few months but one that i felt so strongly about was learning to hide myself in the Lord. Life is busy and distractions of all sorts are in our paths and its easy to drift away from God and before you know it, you're doing, saying and thinking things you would have never dreamt of before. In all this, I have learnt that there is great victory in simply running back to God because honestly, without him, we are nothing.

This whole lesson forced me to introspect with regards to issues such as pride that stop us being able to trust and rely on God. He is our all in all, and He's ever willing to draw us back to Himself and teach us to walk with Him.

Jeremiah 31 verse 3: "Long ago the Lord said to Israel: "I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself""

Here's to many more years of walking with God and learning, every day, to be more like Him!

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